FMCSA Revokes 17 More Electronic Logging Devices from Registered List

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration announced that 17 electronic logging devices were removed from its Registered Devices list this month.
The following ELDs were removed because they failed to meet the minimum standards outlined in 49 CFR part 395, subpart B, appendix A.
ELD Name | Model Number |
Stoneridge EZ-ELD | ELD1.0 |
TeraTrackingELD | GDELD1000 |
TrackEnsure ELD | PT30 |
Speed ELD | SPE 1 |
United Eld | UE002 |
LB Technologies FleetTrack HOS | LBTFTH |
AllwaysTrack | AT001 |
Command Alkon Trackit | CATT01 |
Simplex ELD 2GO | SXIOSAN |
Trucker Path ELD Pro | Trucker Path ELD Pro |
Gorilla Safety Compact ELD | GS0002 |
These ELDs join the list of 10 devices previously revoked by the FMCSA in December 2023, bringing the total to nearly 300 revoked ELDs.
What should trucking companies using the revoked ELDs do?
Carriers and owner-operators must stop using revoked ELDs immediately and switch to paper logs or alternative logging software to record their hours of service. They must also install a compliant ELD from the Registered Devices list.
Motor carriers are given a 60-day window to replace non-compliant ELDs. If deficiencies in the revoked ELDs are corrected, the FMCSA will reinstate these devices on the registered list and notify the industry.
During this 60-day period, safety officials are advised not to penalize drivers with revoked ELDs for violations such as “No record of duty status” or “Failing to use a registered ELD.” Instead, officers should review the driver’s paper logs, logging software, or the ELD display to verify hours-of-service data.
After the 60-day window, companies using revoked devices will be treated as if they have no ELD in place. If safety officials find a driver with a revoked device from this date, they should issue a citation under 395.8(a)(1) and place the driver out of service.
The FMCSA urges motor carriers to act immediately on the recommendations provided to prevent compliance problems if ELD providers fail to resolve the issues.
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