CVSA Announces Operation Safe Driver Week Focus Areas

Operation Safe Driver Week 2024 is lined up for July 7-13th. The focus area for this year is reckless, careless, or dangerous driving.
Drivers of both commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) and passenger vehicles should take extra precautions during Safe Driver Week, and work to become more aware of their driving habits regularly.
Throughout the second week of July, law enforcement will be on the lookout for commercial and passenger vehicle drivers engaging in dangerous driving behaviors, such as speeding, distracted driving, following too closely, drunk, or drugged driving. Unsafe drivers can expect to be pulled over and issued a citation or warning.
Roadway Fatalities Continue to Plague Our Nation's Roadways
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 42,795 fatal traffic crashes in the U.S. in 2022.
“The rising fatalities on our roadways are a national crisis; we cannot and must not accept these deaths as inevitable,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.
Operation Safe Driver Week 2023 Results
During last year's safety event, law enforcement issued 4,494 tickets/citations and 5,756 warnings to both commercial and passenger vehicle drivers combined.
Here are the most common warnings and citations given to commercial motor vehicle drivers during Operation Safe Driver Week 2023:
Here are the most common warnings and citations given to passenger vehicle drivers during Operation Safe Driver Week 2023:
It’s clear that unsafe driving habits aren't going away. To reduce them, officers will be on the lookout for offenders in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico during this year's Operation Safe Driver Week.
Address Reckless Driving Habits Now with an MVR Monitor Program
During Operation Safe Driver Week, officers will not only issue warnings and citations for speeding, but also for following other vehicles too closely, distracted driving, drunk or impaired driving, and other unsafe driving practices.
Now that this year's enforcement event is nearly a month away, it's time to encourage your drivers to be aware of their habits while behind the wheel of your company vehicles, as well as their personal vehicles.
Foley's motor vehicle report (MVR) monitor program allows employers to keep track of their drivers' habits while on the roadways. If any enrolled driver received a citation or is involved in an accident, you'll receive a notification immediately. You can then address the situation and help promote better driving practices across your fleet.
Ready to prep for Operation Safe Driver Week 2024? Get a free demo of Foley's MVR monitor today. Or, complete the form below to start putting the safety of your drivers and our roadways first.
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