Preparing for Roadcheck: Permits & Registrations

If anything about your business has changed since you last filed this biennial update, you should update your information with the DOT as soon as possible.
In less than a week, International Roadcheck will begin – putting motor carriers around the country at risk of a roadside inspection. Although the focus of this year’s event is on driver qualifications, inspectors will be looking at all aspects of driver and vehicle safety – including whether or not drivers have the permits and registrations needed to operate legally.
As you prepare for next week’s event, here are a few permits and registrations you’ll want to ensure are current.
Unified Carrier Registration
The Unified Carrier Registration, or UCR, is a registration that all interstate drivers must purchase annually. Although there have been delays the past few years, this registration is typically available for purchase in the fall, with a due date of December 31. If you are an interstate driver, and don’t yet have a 2020 UCR, it’s critical that you purchase one immediately so that you’re compliant before Roacheck.
The MCS-150, or Motor Carrier Identification Report, is a form that all drivers must file every two years to update their USDOT number. This form provides the FMCSA with information about your business, including whether you’re a property or passenger carrier, whether you haul hazardous materials, your mileage and how many vehicles are in your fleet. In addition to the required biannual update, carriers are required to file an MCS-150 any time there is a change to their business.
If anything about your business has changed since you last filed this biennial update, you should update your information with the DOT as soon as possible.
The Blanket of Coverage, or BOC-3, is required for all for-hire carriers that are operating under their own authority. This form lists a registered process agent in each state who accept legal papers on the motor carrier by an individual or legal entity from outside of the carrier’s base state.
This registration only needs to be filed by a motor carrier once.
Depending on the type of business you operate, there may be additional permits and registrations that you’re required to purchase. If you have any questions, or want to verify that you’ve met all of your requirements prior to Roadcheck, please give us a call at (800) 253-5506 and we’ll be happy to help.
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