DOT Drug & Alcohol Testing FAQs for Owner-Operators & Small Companies

Get the answers to some of the most common questions small trucking company owners have about their DOT drug and alcohol testing requirements.
I’m an owner-operator with no other drivers. Do I need a drug and alcohol testing program?
Yes. Not only do the regulations require that you have a program, but they also specifically state that you must participate in a drug and alcohol testing consortium.
I own a small company. Why do I need a Consortium/Third Party Administrator when I can adequately manage my company’s Drug and Alcohol Testing Program?
There are no rules or regulations stating that you cannot run your own DOT drug and alcohol testing program. However, there are so many regulatory requirements — such as a policy, a certified MRO, Reasonable-Suspicion training for supervisors, Post-Accident training, etc. — that it is often difficult for a small company to manage its own program. An effective Consortium/Third Party Administrator will also keep you informed of regulation changes and provide required reports.
In our company, my husband is the only one who drives. Does he really have to read the policy and sign the acknowledgment form?
The regulations require that every driver receive a policy containing specific information. The regulations also require employers to maintain a receipt signed by the driver to verify that he has been told about the drug and alcohol program requirements. These rules apply to all employers, even owner-operators. [49 CFR Part 382.601].
Is there any difference between the DOT drug and alcohol testing requirements for small companies and those for companies with large fleets?
The drug and alcohol testing DOT regulations address and apply to motor carriers of all sizes equally, whether there is only one driver or many drivers. [49 CFR Part 382].
Get a Compliant DOT Drug & Alcohol Testing Program
Have additional questions about your small trucking company's DOT drug and alcohol testing program, or are you unsure how to enroll in one? Click here or fill out the form below to see how Foley's DOT compliance software, Dash, can make it simple to meet the latest DOT drug testing requirements.
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