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PHMSA Disclosures & Authorizations


Before we’re able to process your requested background checks, you must complete the following steps:

Step One: Download the forms listed under Initial Screening Pak (ISP).

Step Two: Give them to the applicant, and then scan and email the signed forms back to us at BSS@FoleyServices.Com.

Step Three: Download and provide the applicant with the required state specific disclosures.


Terms and Conditions

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires end users to comply with certain procedures regarding how they obtain and use consumer reports. Please take a few moments to review these requirements, as well as the Foley Terms and Conditions  you’ve previously agreed to. If you have not yet reviewed and signed our Terms and Conditions, it’s important that you contact a customer service representative for assistance at 1-800-253-5506. We are unable to run consumer reports for clients who have not agreed to our Terms and Conditions.

If you wish to review the Fair Credit Reporting Act in its entirety, click here.


Step One: Initial Screening Pak Documents

Before Foley can run a consumer report, you must complete and return all sections of the Initial Screening PAK below:

Initial Screening PAK

You must also provide the applicant with the documentation contained in the box below. These documents must be read and signed by the applicant before we can proceed with the background screening process.

Consumer Report Disclosure
Investigative Consumer Report Disclosure
Consumer Report Authorization
Summary of Rights


Step Two: Additional State Disclosures and Documentation

Additional paperwork will be required if your applicant works and/or resides in any of the following locations:

New York

If you or your applicant live in New York, you must provide them with a copy of New York Correctional Law Article 23-A.

Download New York Correctional Law


If you or your applicant live in California, you must provide them with a copy of the California Consumer Report disclosure.

Download California Consumer Report disclosure

If you or your applicant live in San Francisco county, you must also provide them with a copy of the following notice:

Download (English)
Download (Spanish)
Download (Chinese)
Download (Tagalog)